Here are the most important holidays, events, and hashtags for social media managers and digital marketers to know in August 2021.
August 1: Friendship Day #FriendshipDay
August 1: World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay
August 1: World Lung Cancer Day #WorldLungCancerDay
August 4: Single Working Women’s Day #SingleWorkingWomensDay
August 5: World Blogger Day #WorldBloggerDay
August 6: International Beer Day #InternationalBeerDay
August 7: National Hand loom Day #NationalHandloomDay
August 8: International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
August 9: Quit India Movement Day #QuitIndiaMovement
August 9: Book Lover's Day #BookLoversDay
August 10: World Lion Day #WorldLionDay
August 10: National Lazy Day #LazyDay
August 11: World Calligraphy Day #WorldCalligraphyDay
August 12: International Youth Day #InternationalYouthDay
August 12: World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay
August 13: International Left-handers Day #LefthandersDay
August 14: Social Security Day #SocialSecurityDay
August 14: Pakistan Independence Day
August 15: Independence Day #IndependenceDay
August 15: National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
August 19: World Photography Day #WorldPhotographyDay
August 19: World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
August 20: World Mosquito Day #WorldMosquitoDay
August 21: Onam #HappyOnam
August 21: International Homeless Animals’ Day
August 21: World Honey Bee Day #WorldHoneyBeeDay
August 22: Raksha Bandhan #HappyRakshaBandhan
August 29: National Sport’s Day #NationalSportsDay
August 30: Janmashtami #HappyJanmashtami
Final thoughts
It’s time to wrap up for August. Stay tuned for the next month’s holiday calendar.
Have a great August!